Goal signatures are images designed to be placed in a signature or on a web site in order to show off your goals in RuneScape. In order to make one, just use the form below to select a goal type and enter your RuneScape name as you would like it to appear on the signature. From here you are required to fill in the info needed for the selected type of goal signature and choose a design style from the drop down list. Skill based signatures update automatically with your currents stats from the lite RuneScape Hiscores once every 24-36 hours depending on server load. Item goal signatures will update the goal price from the RuneScape Grand Exchange within the same type of time period.

Goal type:
Any (X of Y)
Runescape Name:

Please select a skill to start the goal creation process.

Current Money:
Current Money:

Goal Money:
Enter a description of your goal:

You have 30 characters left.

Current Amount:

Goal Amount:
Enter a description of your goal:

You have 45 characters left.

Signature designs are ©2025 Runescape Bits & Bytes and their respective designers.
All characters and stats remain property of Jagex®, Ltd.