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 Post subject: Rsbandb Christmas changes - UPDATE! New events announced!
PostPosted: December 10th, 2007, 3:31 pm 
Cleverly Disguised Spammer
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Read below If you haven't already for full explanation about what's going on.

Now then to kick start things we figured we'd start by doing some things community related. So, to begin with we'll be hosting an art contest.

We welcome and hope all join in, doesn't matter how good you are or how bad it's taking part that matters in this fun time o year n all that rubbish.

So what is it we're doing first? What we want is a fantasy picture made by you. Any art style, do whatever you want. Doesn't have to be Christmas themed although I'd like it if it was. This is NOT for signatures, we want PICTURES

Entry's end by the 22nd, the vote thread will then go up and winner announced on the 28th.

Winner will be decided by a community vote and shall be rewarded a *non-runescape related prize.


* By Non-rs related i mean it is really but i don't want the headless chicken banning me for sharing.


So as I'm sure you all know by now Jagex decided to tweak the game today. For better or worse (WORSE, YOU BLOODY IDIOTS :@) it's done with and we've now got issues to deal with ourselves.

Like the fact we can't hold a drop party, because none of the items show up. Now come January the account we keep all donations on is going to become useless and any items on there are going to get stuck on there.

So, we've had to come to a solution. We had two options, use party Pete and get every retard in the world come along and none of our members get the stuff that THEY donated. Or trade items over.

Now as much as I'd like to listen to jagex and think their solution to drop partys is party Pete, I'm afraid recently Jagex, or rather Andrew Gower has been kidnapped by a headless chicken and Jagex HQ is now run by a lucky Chick who had a (not so) lucky escape from KFC it would seem.

So, we're going with the trading.

I apologize for how this is, i know the idea of it sucks and I'm sorry we have to do it this way. Thanks to all that donated, it's appreciated and it wont be going to waste.

This'll probably be the last time we hold one of these party's, cause come January jagex has ruined this game to the point where community's, like ours just cannot come together in game anymore and have fun with each other.

All these years they claimed there trying to encourage players to help each other and work together and in the space of a month they've undone that work. It's a dark day, i know several people that are going to be leaving over this. But i suppose it's out of our hands.

Sorry once again, i hope to see you all at this party, not just for the Christmas fun but also as a last fair well to fun community events like this.



Last edited by CreepyPirate on December 12th, 2007, 7:07 pm, edited 5 times in total.

 Post subject: Register and login to get these in-post ads to disappear
PostPosted: December 10th, 2007, 3:31 pm 
Cleverly Disguised Spammer

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PostPosted: December 12th, 2007, 8:25 pm 
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Say you were on the German world, would it broadcast our party to all the other worlds? I'm sure not many people would be around banks in those worlds so it wouldn't get spoiled that much.

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PostPosted: December 12th, 2007, 9:20 pm 
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Rune Beast0 wrote:

Say you were on the German world, would it broadcast our party to all the other worlds? I'm sure not many people would be around banks in those worlds so it wouldn't get spoiled that much.

The drop party is not happening. It wasn't happening as of Monday. We're still working on new ideas for things to do in the mean time.


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PostPosted: December 13th, 2007, 3:53 am 
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Where do we enter for the art cometition?

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PostPosted: December 13th, 2007, 4:10 am 
Cleverly Disguised Spammer
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Hairy Munky wrote:
Where do we enter for the art cometition?

Put them in this thread/PM me i suppose.

I want everyone entering, no matter how good or bad or how likely you think you'll win. Doesn't matter, tis for fun. DON'T ENTER AND YOU'RE OFF MY CHRISTMAS CARD LIST.


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PostPosted: December 13th, 2007, 6:04 am 
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I'm In. Do you allow Kissing in pictures? :oops:



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 Post subject: Register and login to get these in-post ads to disappear
PostPosted: December 13th, 2007, 6:04 am 
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PostPosted: December 13th, 2007, 5:13 pm 
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I might as well throw in something I made... ... s-30589949


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PostPosted: December 14th, 2007, 9:13 am 
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I'll most probably be entering this Art ompetition, probably a sketch of something Christmas-y, :) .


 Post subject: Re: Rsbandb Christmas changes - UPDATE! New events announced!
PostPosted: December 16th, 2007, 9:18 am 
Cleverly Disguised Spammer
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Come on ladys, entrys so far are rather low. Lets pick it up a bit. All in fun, get creative.


 Post subject: Re: Rsbandb Christmas changes - UPDATE! New events announced!
PostPosted: December 16th, 2007, 10:40 am 

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My entry. :)

 Post subject: Re:
PostPosted: December 16th, 2007, 10:45 am 
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Rafe wrote:
I might as well throw in something I made... ... s-30589949

What.. That was made over a year and a half ago. :s
At least try. :\


 Post subject: Re: Re:
PostPosted: December 16th, 2007, 2:43 pm 
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Anubis wrote:
Rafe wrote:
I might as well throw in something I made... ... s-30589949

What.. That was made over a year and a half ago. :s
At least try. :\

I don't have Photoshop anymore due to a reformat. I might as well put one that I have.


 Post subject: Re: Rsbandb Christmas changes - UPDATE! New events announced!
PostPosted: December 18th, 2007, 6:54 pm 
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my entry will win for sure


Joined~Sept 24, 2006_____Runite~Mon Jul 07, 2007 3:04 pm.
try not to rage quit

 Post subject: Re: Rsbandb Christmas changes - UPDATE! New events announced!
PostPosted: December 18th, 2007, 8:53 pm 
Site Owner

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This should have been locked before. Read this one: viewtopic.php?f=22&t=60835


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