I'm not quite done, but I want to reserve a space for it, so here. So far, this is what I got:
Legends Quest:
Recomended Stats:
70+ with at least level 43 prayer.
Minimum requirements:
107 Quest Points
Level 56 Magic
Level 52 Mining
Level 50 Agility
Level 50 Crafting
Level 50 Smithing
Level 50 Strength
Level 50 Thieving
Level 50 Woodcutting
Level 45 Herblore
Level 42 Prayer
Quests Completed:
The Heroes Guild Quest
The Family Crest Quest
The Underground Pass Quest
The Waterfall Quest
The Shilo Village Quest
Mind you, these quests are mainly to prove yourself worthy to Radimus; there isn't really anything you need from them.
To start:
Speak to Legends Guild Guards at the Legends Guild northeast of Ardougne. From where you appear after you teleport to Ardougne, head straight east and follow the grey trail northeast.
Quest Length: Long. May take a few hours.
Members Only: Yes.
Items Required:
Coil of Rope
At least 2 blank orbs
Runes to enchant the orbs
One of each gem except for dragonstone and onyx; Sapphire, Emerald, Ruby, Diamond, Opal, Jade, Red Topaz. Make sure they're all cut.
Gold Bar
Charcoal (Bought at Shilo Village)
3 Papyrus (Got at legends guild)
Vial of water, Snake Weed, and Sito Foil
A soul rune, a mind rune, an earth rune, and 2 law runes.
Items good to have:
Good food, like swordfish, because you're going to be taking lots of punishment.
Prayer potions.
Teleports to Ardougne, so you can return to Shilo Village and the Legends Guild easily.
Good armor, unless you like to solely rely on prayer. If so, bring high prayer bonus items.
To start off, you speak to the guards in front of the Legends Guild. After asking to apply, they will let you in to see Radimus Erkle.
There are 2 buildings. The bigger one is the actual guild, which you can't enter at the moment.
The second, however, you can. Radimus Erkle is inside. Talk to him about the Legends Quest.
He will give you 3 missions and his notes, which you must bring everytime you enter the jungle.
1: Map out the Kharazi jungle
2: Develop good relations with the natives
3: Bring back something of 'potential worth'.
While inside, grab some papyrus on the table if you need it and search his cupboard for a machette.
From there, go to your bank in southern Ardougne, and if you have any, grab: Hatchet, Charcoal, Coins to get to Karamja and Shilo Village via cart, and some food.
Head to Shilo Village. If you leave it and go southwest a bit, you'll find a large patch of trees and bushes. This path is the easiest to negotiate:
Once inside, you need to map 3 sections of the jungle. Start off at the east side by walking to around this area:
And using the charcoal on the papyrus. Now, head due west for a while until you reach an area around this pool.
Use charcoal on another papyrus. Now, head west again until you reach these rocks.
Map it one more time. 1st mission complete. That wasn't so bad, was it? Now for the natives.
Leave the jungle and talk to one of these nearby foresters.
Show them the map and they'll give you a bull roarer. Enter the jungle again and give the bull roarer a good swing. Make sure there are no other NPCs nearby, or they will attack. Gujuo should appear.
Be direct. Tell him up front what you're doing there and that you want to become friends. He'll accept. 2nd mission done. You're probably wondering why this quest is so hard by now.
Talk to him a bit and ask him about going ons. He'll talk about a cursed totem pole that has been driving away his tribe through fear. Offer to help, and he'll give you instructions on how you can.
Apparently, you must obtain some yommi seeds from Ungadulu, plant them in fertile soil, water them with pure water, chop the tree, and make a brand new totem pole to replace the old one. Firstly, go west to the rock formation you were at earlier. Search them and try to squeeze through. I can't guarentee you'll make it the first time, so keep trying.
Once inside, you'll find Ungadulu, but he's inside an octagram of fire, and seems to have gone mad.
Search his things like bed, bookcase, table, etc. They should give you some clues as to how to figure out what to do. This part is so straightforward that I'm not sure if I even should tell you, because it would be an embarrasement. Oh well.
Return to the surface and swing your bull roarer. Tell Gujuo about the fire, and he'll say you'll need to make a bowl out of the 'metal of the sun'. That would be gold. He'll give you some plans to make a bowl, so grab your gold bar and a hammer, and make it on an anvil. There's one in Tai Bwo Wannai Village, or Hemenster which is north of Ardougne, or in Seers Village.
Anyways, once the bowl is made, return to the jungle and swing the bull roarer again. Gujuo will appear and you both will bless the bowl. If you fail, you lose a few prayer points, so have a prayer potion handy just in case.
However, this is only the first part. Go to the bank and retrieve a lockpick, pickaxe, the runes (not the orb and its runes), and the gems. Then go back to the rock formation, enter, and go to this bookcase:
Right-click and search it. There will be a crevace behind it, which you must enter. Once inside, proceed a ways until you reach this door.
Search it to begin picking the lock. There is a chance you'll fail and your lockpick will break, mind you. once you open the door, you'll see 3 large rocks.
Easy enough, just click them to smash to bits. If you have a few empty inventory spaces, you'll obtain rock which you can drop and a bit of mining exp. Now there's a large gate up ahead.
Open it by using your strength. Again, you might fail and lose a few strength points, but just keep trying. Once you make it, run from those bats, because they're not worth it. When you pass them, you'll find a jagged wall.
Jump over it. Not a problem, except sometimes you get hurt from it.
Your next obsticle is this riddle on the wall.
Easy enough. Use the soul rune on it. Then the mind rune. Then the earth rune. And then the 2 law runes. It'll work out, and if you look at the door again, you'll enter it and emerge in yet another room.
This room has 7 pools, each with 1 carved rock. Try placing gems on each one until it is accepted. Once that's done, a light show occurs, which you must walk into, and you will recieve the book of binding. It will basically tell you all you need to know about demons of many kinds. On the back is an enchantio spell, which you can cast on empty vials to enchant them. Then, by using the syringe thing like with the bowl, you can fill them up and use them as a ranged weapon against demons to great effect.
You can leave the cavern either by teleporting or manually traveling back by the path you took to get there. Either way, you should prepare yourself, because you're about to fight the first hard demon out of 3.
After preparing with food, armor, prayer, etc, return to Ungadulu. Refill your bowl, because when you leave the Kharazi jungle, the water evapourates out of the bowl. Use the bowl of pure water on the fire octagram to enter it.
Brace yourself now. Throw a vial of holy water at Ungadulu to weaken the demon first-hand, then use the book on him. Nezichened, the demon, will appear and strike. Fight him as best you can. If you run out of food and such, don't hesitate to teleport, because you can always try again.
Once he's dead, Ungadulu will thank you with yommi seeds. Yay! You can also now enter the octagram whenever you wish now in case you need to talk to him again.
Use the seeds on the bowl of pure water. Oops, now it's empty. Head for the pool again to refill it.
... or can you? Oh no, the water's gone!
Consult Gujuo. After a chat, tell him you will go back into the cavern and he will tell you to gather ingredients for a jungle bravery potion if you want to get in. If you remember the jungle potion quest, that's good. Otherwise, he tells you where they are, and all of these locations are somewhere around Tai Bwo Wannai Village, like the rocks near the nature altar (volencia moss), the large palm trees near the boat camp (argdrigal), and the scorched earth in Tai Bwo Wannai (Sito Foil).
Once you make the potion, you can drink it at basically any time. It won't stat-boost or anything, so if you want to save an inventory space, i suggest you drink it before you return to the cavern.
This time when you enter the cavern, bring lots of food, prayer potion, blessed bowl, 2 orbs, enchantment runes for each, lockpick, pickaxe, rope, and maybe a teleport. Don't forget the hatchet and machette to get into the jungle.
Return to the rock formation and repeat the steps to go through the cavern. This time, however, you don't have to spell 'smell' or place the gems. Instead, when you're in the room with a bunch of pools, go to the nearby gate and cast 'enchant orb' on it (can be any element). It'll suck you in to another room with lots of barrels.
When you break the barrels, a random monster might appear, it might explode causing damage, or you might get items like runite knives and darts, prayer potion, runes, and other interesting things. Give them a try!
However, unless you'd like to stick around for some training, let's continue on with the quest.
Use the rope on that winch in the middle of the room. Make sure you've drunk that bravery potion before you continue.
Climb down, and you'll appear in this cavern.
If you try to pick of that hat, Vivyldi. will appear and stay strange things. However, he does say that you must best the 3 warriors, collect the heart, and use it on the dragon's eye.
There are 3 warriors down there, more then 1 of each for multiple quest doers:
Ranalph Devere - Level 92
Irvig Senay - Level 100
San Tojalon - Level 106
After killing each, you'll get a piece of a gem. When you have all 3, go to this furnace and use them all on it.
You'll recieve a heart-shaped crystal. Now, about this dragon's eye bit. There aren't any dragons in this cavern by the looks of it, just those warriors, the furnace, and a bunch of rocks and walls that are positioned strangely.
Now, you might have noticed this, but if you go to the center of the area ...
There's your dragon. Use the heart on the searchable mossy rock to make it start to glow. Now use it on this recess to allow entry into the further cavern.
There are some lesser demons there for some reason. Just walk past them.
This is why the water's not coming through. This boulder has stopped the water source. However, if you try to move it, a ghost bearing a name you're sure you recognize from somewhere appears and tells you to kill Vivyldi. He'll give you an obsidian dagger.
Now, you have 2 choices here.
1: If you want this quest done as easily as possible, go past Vivyldi up the rope, and all the way back to Ungadulu and show him the dagger. He will give you a scroll with a holy force spell upon it. Go back (that's why the second orb is needed) and use the scroll on the ghost.
2: If you really like fighting stuff and are very strong, then you can kill Vivyldi by using the dagger on him, and return it to the ghost.
Either method, the ghost will transform into Nezichened and attack you once again. If you used the holy force spell on him, you'll find him superior to a greater demon. If not, a black demon. Slay him.
Once he's slain, push the boulder.
Return to the surface. I recommend a teleport, unless you want to smash more barrels.
Once you return to the surface, locate a patch of fertile soil. You can find it on the map by looking for large brown patches and looking at the center of it. Make sure you have a hatchet with you. It must be runite.
Now is the tree growing part. First, refill the bowl from the pure water area with your knife and the long reeds. Your moving the boulder has allowed the water to travel back there. After filling it, use the seeds on the bowl and fill it up again. Now return to the brown patch and use the seeds on the fertile soil. After a fern appears, use the bowl on it. It will grow, which takes a few seconds. Keep examining it, and when it says 'This is as big as it will get', use your hatchet on it. Then use it again. Then one more time. A totem pole will be made. Click it to pick it up.
Now, locate one of the totems in the jungle.
Get ready, because when you use your totem on it, Nezichened wil fight you for the third time. If you slew Vivyldi, the 3 skeleton warriors will appear one by one and attack you first, so you have to fight 4 enemies in a row!
Defeat them, use your totem on the cursed one, and Gujuo will appear. He will congratulate you and give you a golden totem.
Return to the legends guild and give it to Radimus Erkle. He'll also congratulate you and let you in. Enter the guild and talk to him. He'll give you a list of stats and train you 4 times in one stat each, giving you 10 000 exp each. After, the quest will be over!
Go upstairs to the western section of the third floor to buy a legends cape for 675 gold coins. The eastern has a bank. In the basement is a good ranged training area and shadow warriors.
Still writing ... If anyone has anything to add / correct, you may post.