That's funny, because you're the first user I remembered the name. Mainly because of the avatar you had when I joined: The guy playing a game on PC (counterstrike?) and sees his door next to him shut violently.
You, and Deathmage411 because of ''Sexy As Hell'', were the most recognizable members for me.
Cliff Dude wrote:
If RS is losing too many players and we don't get many new members, it may be time to expand to other games or at least provide more 07 support so the community stays alive. The decline of the RSBandB community is partially the fault of Jagex. Even though I like EoC and RS3 (finally no more click n watch combat), there are many many people who are militantly against these new additions. It's great that Jagex is trying to make the game more engaging and possibly challenging, but it has caused a big split in the RS community, and that trickles down to fansite communities as well. Small sites like us would have a greater impact. All the bashing and flaming also doesn't do the site any good. Like Jason said, if we had support for 07 RS, it would set us apart from other current RS fansites.
I'm with you on this one. Having a 07 support is likely to attract some veterans in quest of nostalgia. Right now, I haven't seen a fansite with a 2007 section, so adding one would be a first and would totally sets you apart from the others. So much, that others won't have choice but to copy you and do the same.
I can hear a couple people saying ''
But that's gonna divide the community apart''
Not to be mean but...Which community?
There'll always be division on forums. There will always be cliques. I remember the division between RS Related and Non-Rs Related.
Meaningless. Wanting to get rid of division is like wanting to get rid of War...It'll always exist because it is part of human interactions.
I'm sure there is a couple of people who are against 07 section because they think it won't bring up the activity.
Like when there were people against Sandbox's return (*cough*creepy*cough*)
It worked a bit because it was one of the most active section, however it didn't bring back much people like I thought it would.
Hey at least I tried. I suggested something to help the activity going up. That didn't work, so **** what?
Now I'm supporting the idea of 07 section. I think it's an excellent idea and I believe it could help bringing the activity up.
Maybe it will, maybe it won't. But it's better to give it a shot than to stay in a corner, arms crossed, waiting for midnight.