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 Post subject: [Informer] An April Oozing History
PostPosted: May 1st, 2016, 6:16 pm 
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Joined: September 9th, 2004, 9:26 am
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RS Name: shane12088
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This past month RuneScape met two tremendous milestones. First Jagex released the long awaited new game client (NXT) to the masses. NXT pushes Java to the side paving the way for future development of RuneScape that was only dreamt as possible with the Java client. If you aren't using NXT for reasons outside of performance limitations you are making a serious error. Everyone can and should download the NXT client in order to aid in the effort of moving the RuneScape experience forward. On this same vein we had two article this month about NXT. The first one came from our very own Mr Bistro. He makes the assertion that RuneScape 3 Finally Fully Launched with NXT. He covers the launch of NXT, what it provides for us today, and what it means for RuneScape moving forward. Also on the subject of NXT, Cireon from Clan Quest, wrote about the NXT graphical settings: what they mean, how they're implemented, and which ones will cost you the most in terms of FPS (Frames Per Second). Read more in Diving Deep Into NXT Graphics Settings.

This month also saw the release of River of Blood, the Grandmaster quest that neatly ties off the Myreque storyline. Jagex of course was as happy as we were to be delivered another quest. They celebrated this by graphically updating Morytania and the temple Paterdomus and giving us a myriad of things to do around Morytania to remember the previous quests in the Myreque storyline. These included but were not limited to a daily memorial minigame where experience could be earned and a plushie hunt which had us running around Morytania looking for terrifying plushies. Alex wrote about the pre-quest events in his article entitled Alex's Analysis - Coming Full Circle. Then... the quest was released! The Myreque storyline was one of Colton's favourite storylines in RuneScape. He gave us a rundown of this epic conclusion of a quest to a storyline that has spanned numerous years in, An End to my Quest Line. You can also hear our full analysis of River of Blood (featuring Colton, Dave, and yours truly) on RSBANDBUpdate! 564:

There's two more things... First I wrote on a topic that has been festering for a good number of months. What topic may that be of course? Well, it's Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates! Boolean algebra is the branch of logic that deals with true/false statements and the varying laws and operators. Gates are the hardware representation of these logical operators. I give a brief overview of the subject and how some of the basics work. Finally to cap off the month we have a timely article relating to the United States Presidential Primaries. Trekkie, member of the forums and moderator, wrote on why he feels that Hillary Clinton should not be the next president. He touches on the memories of the first Clinton Administration and why rehashing the past may not be best. You can read that here.

Congratulations to The RRman for winning April's Dungeoneering Skill of The Month. He finished in first place with 15,555,093 experience. In second place was Flash with 13.1 million experience. Colton then finished in third with 7.1 million experience. Congratulations, here's your trophy!


That's all for this month, see you at the start of June!

PS: Dungeoneering turned 6 this past month. It was released April 12, 2010.


 Post subject: Register and login to get these in-post ads to disappear
PostPosted: May 1st, 2016, 6:16 pm 
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