So I got bored one day and made this weapon
TEH STONE O ANGERZ! (the stone of anger)
heres a pic of what it would look like if it was in game
(in attached file)
The weapon would be 8xas fast as a dragon scimmy but 7 times as weak so if you hit a 50 with a drag scimmy you woudl hit a 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7 in the same amount of time
When you eqiup it a message says: As you pick up the stone you feel immence rage
Its special is: you charcter yells (like the barbiarians in barbarian village) and punches the gorund sending 4 shockwaves threw the ground each doign about 10-20 damage
the weapon would cost about 500,000 gp
if that image did not work here is the alternative anyone is wonderign what program I use its good old microsoft paint I know it stinks but I prefere pixil to pixil modification
I can do apsultuly anything with computer imageing if you have any reqeasts I will make them.I also make sigs!
sorry for the huge amoutnof typos my keyboard jamms alot and the keys stick and I dont realy care much if I make typos
(still woring on my sig