Fort Forinthry receives Unwelcome Guests in the form of new Slayer creatures. They also bring Greater Sonic Wave and a wider discussion on Magic. Plus updates to Wrack, Piercing Shot, Slice, and Punish that help our damage rotations.
A Special Thanks to Our Patreon Supporters
- Alfie S
- AmosReed
- Andrew C
- Arvīds L
- Beekeeper Steve
- Big Huge Rat
- Chunkthemunk
- CykhalRS
- DramaFreee
- Durhamax
- Free Milk
- Jacob G
- Jade Gizmo
- Jason S
- Jebus
- Jesse W
- Kesky
- Ling_01
- Mohan V
- N8 the grr8
- Nick g
- Pyrnassius RS
- Ricky A
- RS Nerd Herd
- Samuel F L
- Scott D S
- ShirtPants
- Stobbeve
- Tabby
- The Naked Captain
- TheDabbnGoat
- Tim
- Tom V
- Zant
- Zazacon
Hosts: Shane, Tanis, and Thaxy
Duration: 1:39:07