We're looking for at least two new writers this time around. If you like writing this is your chance to share your opinions with us and ultimately the rest of RSBandB if you're successful. Applications aren't hard, they're quite easy and have the potential to be game changing.
If you're interested we'd like for you to write us a RuneScape based article. We ask that your article be at least 1000 words long, but no more than 2000 words. The article can talk about
anything in RuneScape. Please note that articles that are simple in nature such as a how to guide or why you like a certain skill will receive less points than an article that provokes thought amongst readers.
Once accepted you will be asked to write one article per month. Article schedules are announced at the beginning of the month and we are almost always flexible with deadlines as long as enough notice is provided.
We are also wanting to have another writer to write about games! Gaming is a dynamic topic ranging from the different platforms to the types and eras of games. Gaming articles from this point forward will be handled much like tech articles. This means that we will be focusing on the wider aspects of gaming, not just reviews of new games.
We would like to write at least 1000 but no more than 2000 words on a gaming topic of your choice. Keep in mind the vast gaming industry, you don't have to talk about a single game or console.
Please PM your articles to either
King Kulla or
myself. If you require images in your article please include them using bbcode as you would on a forum post. The article submitted by the successful applicant(s) will be used as their first Informer article. Articles must be received by the end of the day on August 13th.