This episode marks the introduction of RSBandB's voice server once again!
We have set up our new server using
Mumble. You should
download the client for your respective platform. Please note that the Windows client has been known to take a good deal of time to launch. If you attempt to launch the client on Windows but it does not appear to work, give it some time, it will appear.
You should be able to join by clicking the "Users in Mumble" link at the bottom of the forums below the online list. When asked for your credentials use your forum username and forum password. Please make sure you use the exact case that you log in with on the forums.
For those who want to connect manually:
Server IP:
Port: 64738
User: Your forum user (case sensitive)
Password: You will be asked for your password, same as your forum password.
Old stuff below:Chief and I will be here.
Only a selection of questions will be used as we will be alternating between questions and guest speakers,
so post early! If you want to register as a guest speaker send
Chief or
myself a PM by
Wednesday, be sure to include your Skype name and what you want to talk about. The Skype name is a must, if you don't include a Skype name there's less chance of getting on.
Along side this, episode 294 will be a
live show! The show will take place on
Friday @ 4pm RSBandB Time/MST [3pm PST, 5pm CST, 6pm EST, 11pm UTC]. Instructions to listen and chat will be posted 24 hours before the show starts.
Audio questions will
not be taken this week.